Sunday, February 24, 2008

Träning och Race i Strängnäs

Blogmaster planerar att segla hela eller halva träningslägret i Strängnäs i Maj, samt kappsegla helgen den 3-4/5. Maila eller ring till blogmaster om ni planerar att delta så att vi kan titta på transporter av båtar, boende mm. Vi har chans att få våra båtar inmätta under träningsdagarna.

Blogmaster plans to participate in the training camp and the race in Strängnäs in May.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Atlantic International 2.4 Cup Ålesund

I recieved this invitation today from our 2.4mR friends in Norway. I wanted to help promote this event by posting this invitation on our blog site.
Thanks to Pål Kragset, Ålesunds Seilforening for the invitation.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Still no ice in Nyköping

The winter so far is very mild here in Sweden. No sign of ice or snow right now.
It is still too early to say spring, but the weather really feels like it.
No news to report from the Nyköping fleet. Lennart and blogmaster took a walk Sunday as part of our pre-season training program...
We plan to be in shape when the season starts...

Posting a picture from 2006 when Henrik Jonsson visited us here in Nyköping.
We sailed to the yacht clubs island and had lunch on the docks.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Bow heavy...

Sunshine in Nyöping today Monday the 4th of February. Not much news to report from the 2.4mR fleet in Nyköping this week. Johan is sanding and preparing the cockpit on SWE393 for a white coat of paint. SWE429 will recieve som TLC come closer to spring. Still no ice in Nyköping and we could sail if we could get to our crane. Next year we hope to have a more dedicated space around our crane, allowing us a longer season.

I'm posting a couple of pictures for you all to comment on...

Solsken i Nyköping idag måndagen den 4/2-2008. Stiltje på 2.4mR fronten här i Nyköpingsflottiljen. Johan slipar insidan på sin SWE393 och förbereder lackning av dito. Fortfarande ingen is här i Nyköping och vi kunde segla om vi bara kom fram till vår kran. Blogmaster hoppas att vi nästa år kan få en mer dedikerad plats att vara på med våra båtar. SWE429 ska få lite TLC (Tender love and care) lite närmare säsongen.

Postar några bilder som kan vara intressanta att kommentera...