Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fyspass den 29/12 klockan 17:00

Hej på er, GOD JUL!

Hör av er till mig om ni kan köra fyspass den 29/12 klocka 17:00. OBS Tiden, jag hade skrivit fel tidigare. Hoppas alla kan. Skicka mig ett SMS eller mail.



Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Vi hade en jätte trevlig julavslutning med massor av gott fika bröd och godis hemma hos Moa och hennes familj. Vi säger tack för en trevlig kväll.
God Jul önskar vi i NYSS till alla som läser detta.

Återkommer med tid för Fysträning.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Julavslutning seglingsteori


På måndag den 13/12 klockan 18:30 samlas vi hos Moa och hennes föräldrar på Linnévägen 20 i Oppeby. Där byter vi julklappar och lär oss förhoppningsvis lite om segling medan vi tjuvstartar julgodiset...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nästa tid för seglingsteori

Coachen är lite trött i benen efter en rolig förmiddag med seglingsgänget idag.

Nästa tid för teori blir Måndagen den 6/12, klockan 18:30.

Sedan hoppas jag vi hinner köra en träff till innan det blir julfirande.
Kanske tomten kommer den gången...

Monday, November 22, 2010


På lördag klockan 10:00 till 12:00 finns tid bokad för fysisk träning i Thorsmans sporthall. Hör av er till mig om ni är intresserade och har möjlighet.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Teorikväll på Jollebasen

Hej Allihop.

Måndagen den 15/11 klockan 18:30 kör vi teorikväll nästa gång.



Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nästa tid för seglingsteori

Nästa gång vi kör seglingsteori är den 25/10 klockan 18:30.

Hoppas alla hade lika skoj som coachen igår.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Bilder från NYSS måndags seglingar

Idag seglade vi sista måndagsseglingen för 2010.
Vann gjorde Tove som även tog hem höstcupen.

Resultat NYSS Ungdom höstcup 2010.

1, Tove
2, Klara
3, Moa
4, Jakob
5, Gustav
6, Jossan
7, Alex

På Söndag seglar vi om vädret tillåter klockan 11:00.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Silvervingen restoration moved

You will from now on find the Silvervingen restoration at:
Silvervingen SWE31


Friday, September 17, 2010

Silvervingen restoration

The restoration of Silvervingen is in overdrive at the moment. Fredrik is doing everything in his power to get the Oregon Pine deck in place before it gets too cold for the epoxy to set.
Amazing work as always. Enjoy the pictures.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Silvervingen restoration

My brother is currently working full speed ahead on the deck of SWE31 Silvervingen.
Beautiful craftsmanship as always. Posting a couple of pics from the past week.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Silvervingen restoration

Home made round rivets to fit in the brass plate.

Silvervingen restoration

Underside of deck.

Silvervingen restoration

New transom, deck from below.

Silvervingen restoration

It has been some time now since my last post, and my brother has made great progress on his restoration of his 6mR SWE 31 Silvervingen. Pictures show first layer of deck plywood, before and after painting (underside).

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Silvervingen restoration

My brother has made big progress the last couple of weeks on his 6mR restoration of SWE 31 Silvervingen. The first plywood layer (6mm) is soon ready to be permanently fitted to the deck beams. The underside is painted white but does not show in these pictures.
Since Blogmaster threw his Canon G9 in the baltic while being a sailing instructor two weeks ago, these pics where taken with my trusty old Canon G5 from 2003.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sailing camp 2010

The Red group at debriefing on Sunday the 20th of June 2010.
A very nice group of kids, fast learners and future great sailors.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Silvervingen restoration

My brother shoot a couple of new pictures today of his restoration of SWE 31 Silvervingen. He spends a tremendous amount of time hand planing the deck beams to align with the three dimensional surface "called the deck". Hours spent getting it all aligned that no one will ever recognize... unless they read this blog that is...

Monday, May 03, 2010

My nephew Gustavs boat

My 8 year old Nephew Gustav and myself have been building this RC sail boat during the past winter. Some work still to be done to the rigging and sheet system, before we take it apart for paint. Nice boat that will carry quite a bit of sails. We plan for it to be a light air missile.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Silvervingen restoration

More before and after pics

Silvervingen restoration

Posting another couple of pictures showing the progress of the SWE31 Silvervingen restoration.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Silvervingen restoration

Posting a couple of brand new pictures taken last night.
Before and after pics are pretty cool I think.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Silvervingen restoration

Posting another picture of my brothers impressive restoration of SWE31 Silvervingen.
The deck sub structure is slowly but surely getting in place.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Restoration of 6mR SWE31 Silvervingen

I will post a brand new picture of SWE 31 later this week. In the meantime you will have to make due with this picture, taken about a month ago.

Monday, April 05, 2010

SWE31 Silvervingen restoration

Brand new pictures from yesterday afternoon showing the shroud plates and deck beams installed in the boat. Beautiful workmanship as always.
Next to be installed are the two crew cockpits. New pictures will be posted when they are installed.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

6mR SWE31 Silvervingen restoration

My brother has spent the past 1.5 months building this internal framework. Beautiful craftsmanship as always. He is now waiting for temperatures to rise above 10 degrees C, allowing him to mount this assembly on the boat. The shrouds will be connected to the mast foot with adjustable rods. The design is light and very strong. The reinforcement knees are made from Acid proof stainless steel and polished to a high gloss finish. I'm very impressed and proud of the work my brother is doing with his boat/restoration.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

SWE19 "Tre Kronor" sailing off the coast of San Diego 1992.
Good looking boat that I'm sure would have been more successful if more money had been spent on the project. In comparison to Sweden's one boat challenge, Italy and New Zealand built 5 boats each for the 1992 America's Cup.