Friday, December 25, 2009

America's Cup 1992 part 3

Merry Christmas everybody!
I hope you are having a nice relaxing holiday with your family and friends.

This is a picture of the Spanish IACC boat from 1992 called ESP22.
The boat finished 5th in San Diego, beating the Swedish boat who placed 7th.
The only boat the Swedish boat Tre Kronor SWE-19 beat was Australia Challenge AUS-17.

Friday, December 04, 2009

America's Cup 1992 part 2

The New Zealand team did a very impressive challenge in 1992.
They built a total of five boats. The syndicate chairman was Sir Michael Fay. Skipper Rod Davis, and debuting as syndicate manager was no one other than Sir Peter Blake.
Unfortunately NZL 20 lost against ITA 25 Il Moro di Venezia V (even if Wiki calls ITA 16 the winner in the 1992 LV cup), in the Louis Vuitton final. I will off course change this information if it turns out to be wrong.
Being a young boy hanging out in the bars in San Diego, I met several of the team members working in the New Zealand team, which lead to a trip down under for me.
Read more about the late Sir Peter Blake here.
Read more about Il Moro Di Venezia IV here.

Il Moro Di Venezia's chairman Raul Gardini, unfortunately took his life in 1993 after his financial and political integrity had been called into serious question.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

America's Cup 1992

Blogmaster found some old pictures in the attic from 1992. Sweden raced with "Tre Kronor" SWE19 in the Louis Vuitton Cup. I had the privilege to go out with the Media boat for the two first days of racing. These pictures were taken the first day "Tre Kronor" raced with SAAB sponsorship. The free lance reporter writing for Aftonbladet was bummed because they had taken 1500 pics of the boat the day before, during practice, without the SAAB logo... I proudly present to you, original America's Cup yacht photos from 1992, taken by Blogmaster at the age of 23... Long time ago...
I need to add. The boat designed by Peter Norlin. "Tre Kronor" with skipper Gurra Kranz at the helm.

Monday, November 09, 2009

US Championships Victoria R/C yacht

Blogmaster took this picture yesterday during the final day of the US Championships in the Victoria R/C yacht class. Beautiful weather in NC. Unfortunately very light winds this last day of the Championship.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

2.4mR's in Oslo

Blogmaster spent a week in Oslo Norway. This picture was taken at Akker Brygge on Tuesday night the 13th of October. Nice weather all week.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Blogmaster planerar ett skepparmöte i gårdshuset.
Hör av er om vilken helg som kan passa.

Väl mött,

Mer segling nästa år...


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sailing with Conny this Saturday

We will race Arkörunt with Conny this coming weekend. It will be fun and hopefully good weather. Posting a picture from 3 years ago.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sailing today cancelled due to strong winds

We planned to sail today, but 10-15m/s winds made us re-think...
Hopefully we can sail early this week instead.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rain and heavy winds

Heavy winds and rain in the afternoon prevented us from sailing today.
We decided to play it safe since it was the first launch of the season and Johan pretty much only sailed once last year. Wind speeds in excess of 31 miles/hour winds (14 meters/second). We hope to try again on Thursday or Friday.
The picture is from a couple of days ago. Nice breeze and sunny weather.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sailing tomorrow Tuesday!

Johan and myself spent a couple of hours on Monday night making our boats ready to sail. We plan to sail tomorrow afternoon/evening. I can't wait! It has been way too long since we sailed.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Fantastic 6mR!

Look and admire my brothers 6mR. He has finally redone all the wood frames in his beautiful 6mR Silvervingen (Silver wing). In my eyes an unbelievable achievement that he has been working on for 3.5 years.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Short report

There has been very little activity on this website this spring. Check back in about a month when blogmaster has finished restoring the guest house... It has been a busy spring and we can't wait to start sailing.

The crane in Oxelösund is delayed due to finalizing the foundation design and also building permits. According to Hasse Martinsson, it is now back on track and should be completed pretty soon. This means we have two sailing sites for our 2.4mR's within a 10 mile radii. Personally I can't wait to take SWE429 out on the water again. It has been a long brake this time. If only the tiling went a little faster...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sailing soon!!!!!!!!

Spring has finally arrived and for the past couple of weeks it has been really nice weather here in Nykoping, Sweden.
Mathias declared he might sail next weekend, and blogmaster might too if the weather is still nice.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

28th of March and snow...

Well, it still feels like the sailing season is a long way off.
We had snow coming down like crazy yesterday afternoon and evening. It is melting today, but I have to admit, I would have preferred rain.

They are promising warm weather next weekend. I hope to have my new shop floor painted by then, allowing me to bring my boat home for a spring clean and fix.

I can't believe Calle is gone. He was such a great guy and I will miss him a lot.
I had the privilege to visit him while he was building his own design 2.4mR, and I could tell it was a dream come true for him.
This picture was taken during my visit in Göteborg/Gothenburg. Rest in peace Calle.
I know you are sailing, wherever you are now.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Nyköpings 2.4mR flottilj sörjer Calle Ossiansson

Calle Ossiansson, fin kamrat och jätteduktig seglare har gått bort efter en lång tids sjukdom. Vi sörjer Calle och våra tankar går till hans familj.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Inbjudan till Vårkör i Nävekvarn!

NQBK inbjuder till 2.4mR kappsegling söndagen den 31/5 2009.
Seglingen är öppen för alla 2.4mR seglare. En liten reservation kanske måste finnas då jag inte vet om de har något maximerat antal seglare de kan ta emot. Först till kvarn alltså... Nävekvarn...

Anmälan görs på:

Väl mött i Nävekvarn!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Pubkväll OBS, Ändring av ställe!

På Torsdag den 5/3 träffas vi för lite försnack inför säsongen 2009, samt en bit mat och en öl. Det kan väl bli två öl också för dem som vill...

Vi ses klockan 18:30 på Fika.
Väl mött,

SWE429 "Satir"

Sunday, February 22, 2009

2 inches of snow today

Snow and around 0 degrees C or 32,5 F here in Nyköping today.
Spring feels a long way off on a day like this...
To remind you of the days to come, I found this nice picture of my brother sailing his 6mR SWE37 "Räven". Räven is residing in France now.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thank you Schneider Electric/Thorsman

Thank you Thorsman for the crane and telfer.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Before we started the Nykoping Fleet

I took this picture in 2004, 1.5 year before I bought my 2.4mR.
It is Conny and Lennart's old boats at the guest marina in Nykoping.
These boats now reside in Tranas.

The new crane in Oxelosund will be a nice addition to places to sail for us living in the Nykoping/Oxelosund area.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ny kran och telfer till Oxelösund

Ett företag i Nyköping skänker en kran med telfer till Oxelösunds Segel Sällskap.
På så vis får vi två ställen att segla på här i närheten. Möjligheter att börja segla tidigare på året än vad vi har i Nyköping och även senare på hösten. Säsongen blir således mycket längre.
Pubkvällen ser ut att bli nästa vecka.

Monday, February 02, 2009


Hej på er 2.4mR seglare!

Vi planerar en pub kväll under vecka 8 eller 9. Hör av er till blogmaster angående vilken kväll som passar bäst. Temperatur på -7grader ikväll. Sommaren känns fortfarande långt borta, men en titt i almanackan visar att det går framåt med stormsteg. Redan vecka 6 denna vecka.

Välkomna på Pubkväll.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Invitation to sail from Petrus in Tranås

I kväll har jag varit på segelklubbens styrelsemöte 2 viktiga punkter den ena ungdomssegling den andra tävlingskalendern. vi tar den senare punkten, den 8 augusti skall det seglas "lilla sommen runt" kanske en väl lång distansegling för 2,4:or men för att dra lite folk till seglarvik (klubbstugan) så skulle det vara kul om ni ville komma och segla lite. tanken är att på kvällen ha lite klubbfest och om intresse finns så skulle man även kunna segla på söndagen. är det en dag och ide som ni och era seglarvänner kan tända på?
mvh petrus

Friday, January 09, 2009

New Year, soon we will be sailing again

We are already 10 days into the new year. The weather has turned for the warmed again in Sweden. Heatwave for the season with predicted +4 to +6 degrees this weekend.
Posting a picture to help us daydream about the upcoming season.