Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

The Nyköping Fleet wishes everyone a Happy New Year 2009!

Hopefully 2009 will be better than the economists are saying. They didn't do a very good job predicting 2008, let's take that as a good sign...

I hope we get a 2.4mR year 2009 that includes our fleet growing and many great days of sailing.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Visit to Oxelösund

Mathias and blogmaster visited the marina in Oxelösund today. Two 606 boats in the water, but not sailing today. Maybe the 30 degree weather had something to do with it... Nice blue sky and light winds made it a pretty day.
There was no ice on the water in Oxelösund and if the temperatures had been above freezing, not good reason you couldn't have sailed today. I guess if you are really tough you could have sailed even if it was freezing cold...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunny in Nyköping today

We have a very nice day in Nyköping today. Temps just above freezing and sunny.
At least no rain, we have had enough of that the past week.
Global warming not allowing for winter sports... No ice and no snow.

The meeting with NYSS Nyköping Yacht Club:

Time will tell what is going to happen. We didn't get any promises other than they like us to continue with our activity. We have still not ruled out a move to Oxelösund. Time will tell what happens.

Soon it is Christmas! And today is the darkest day of the year and from now on days will slowly get longer!!!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Yacht Club yearly meeting tomorrow

Blogmaster will attend the Nyköping Yacht Clubs yearly meeting tomorrow night.
It will be interesting to hear what the club has in store for us.

I will report the outcome of the meeting here at the blog tomorrow night.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Petrus Stradivari project

Things are looking really good in Tranås. Petrus Stradivari project shows great progress since last week. Ring frames and floatation foam installed.
Petrus also plans to build Hasse Malmsten's plywood project before the 2009 season starts.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My brother´s old 6mR sailing in France

Posting a picture of 6mR SWE37 Räven sailing in France.

Nyköpings 2.4mR blir Oxelösund's 2.4mR?

Breaking News!

Vi har pratat med ordförande i OXSS och han är positiv till att vi flyttar över vår verksamhet till OXSS. Mer information kommer så fort blogmaster vet något mer.
Länk till OXSS hittar ni här: OXSS

Hela flottiljen har fått tycka till och är positiva till en övergång.
OXSS satsar på en kran till sin 606 flottilj som även skulle kunna användas till 2.4mR.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Stradivari right side up!

I got an e-mail from Petrus tonight. He has turned his Stradivari right side up and the boat looks beautiful! I can't wait to see it in real life.
It sure looks like a piece of art.

Blogmaster poured the last bit of concrete on the yardhouse this afternoon. Final wall goes up tomorrow and this means more sailing and less home improvement work 2009.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Pub evening and meeting

We plan a meeting within the next weeks to discuss who of us will join the board in the Yacht Club. At the same time we will have a beer or two.

Vi planerar ett möte de närmaste veckorna för att diskutera vem av oss som kan tänka sig gå in i styrelsen i segelsällskapet. Vi passar på att äta en bit och ta ett par öl också. Hör av er till mig vilka tider som funkar för er.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Impressive build

I checked out Petrus build tonight. It is very impressive to follow his 2.4mR project.
You can really tell this guy does this for a living.

Check out his site at: Stradivari

Next week we are planning a fall meeting in the Nyköping 2.4mR fleet. Please let Blogmaster know what evening works best for you.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Good meeting

We had a good meeting with our Yacht club's president last Thursday.
His ideas goes hand in hand with ours and we look forward to a very interesting 2009.
We will have a meeting at a local restaurant within the next two weeks, to further discuss the future of our 2.4mR fleet and activity. Anyone interested in joining us, please give blogmaster a call or send an e-mail.

Congratulations to Stellan Berlin who won his 5th World Championship!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Stradivari 2.4mR

Don't forget to check out Petrus new 2.4mR designed by Hasse Malmsten.
You can follow his/their progress at:

Also, Don't forget our meeting on Thursday at 5PM (17:00) at the marina.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Movie from last year

Posting a short movie from last year.

Thursday night

Another week almost gone. Fall is here for real.

Posting a nice picture of Lennart and Blogmaster from last year.
Photographer is my brother's wife Popi.

Thursday next week we have the meeting at the marina. Don't forget.
Petrus from Tranås will join us at the meeting. I'm really keen to see his new build.
If anyone in the fleet is interested to car pool to Tranås one Saturday, please let me know.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Calle's 2,4mR Joyeuse SWE439

Posting a couple of pictures of Calle Ossiansson's very cool 2.4mR Joyeuse.

We are really looking forward to following Petrus in Tranas building his new Hasse Malmsten design. You can check his build blog at:
Stradivari MarkIII

Don't forget Thursday next week, the 23rd for our meeting at the marina.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Goda Nyheter!

Enligt Mathias så har ordföranden i Nyköpings Segelsällskap Gerold Ekström kallat till möte på varvet den 23/10 klockan 17:00. Alla i flottiljen som kan den dagen uppmanas att dyka upp för att bidra med ideér samt visa intresse. Vi kommer att diskutera vad som behöver åstadkommas för att möjliggöra 2.4mR segling även för handikappade seglare.

Rita in Torsdagen den 23/10 i din kallender! 17:00!

Väl mött och må 2009 bli ett bättre och mer aktivt 2.4mR år än 2008.


This is an internal message to our fleet members about a meeting at the marina with the president of our yacht club. He has shown interest in our fleet and wants to make it possible for disabled sailors to join us and sail the 2.4mR.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cool picture

Posting a cool picture from the spring of 2006. I was assembling my boat after a total re-build the winter 2005-06.

Sailing tomorrow?

No wind today. Hopefully I will sail tomorrow Sunday. Give blogmaster a call if you want to sail too.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sailing on Thursday night

There is a chance we will sail tomorrow Thursday. Very light air has been predicted and we will see tomorrow if there is any chance we can sail.
The weather in August has been really strange... Lot's of rain and either strong wind or no wind at all. Blogmaster are recovering from a tennis elbow... Really weird to have a tennis elbow, since I don't play tennis...

Posting link to a site I found on the internet. Very cool that Bill Blevin is linking to our site.
I will add a link to his site from our blog site.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Pictures from previous session

Mathias sent me these pictures he took with his cellphone last time we went sailing together.
August disappeared pretty fast this year, but we are sailing this coming weekend if there is wind and not too much rain.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sailing on Sunday!

It looks like the weather finally is going to smile at us this coming weekend.
After a very poor August (weather wise) it is finally looking better.
I plan to sail on Sunday morning. Give me a call if you want to join me.

I'm waiting for pictures from Mathias, who was the only brave soul who sailed this past weekend. I was too busy fixing a hole in our yard house...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Quick update

Well, The weather has not been all that great the past week and a half.
It looks like it is getting better.
My buddy Pete thinks I'm slacking off not updating the blog.
This one is for him.

We moved our daughter to Linköping University today. A big day for our family and a big change for her.
I have already called her, but she said she was fine...

Sailing maybe on Saturday or Sunday. Johan is out of town, but Mathias said he was eager to sail. Posting a picture from a previous session.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Congratulations to Mathias SWE319 who got a baby daughter yesterday!

Posting a picture of Mathias and his older daughter Tilda sailing last Thursday.
Mathias got another baby daughter yesterday. All of us in the Nyköping fleet of 2.4mR's sends our congratulations to Anna and Mathias!

Sailing tonight

Johan and Blogmaster sailed in beautiful wind and warm weather tonight.
Johan is showing great boat speed with his new SWE393 (SWE429 in his sails).

We plan to sail again before the weekend to beat the cold front they claim is due on Saturday.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

SWE393 showing great performance for it's first time out!

We sailed in beautiful weather and a nice sea breeze tonight. Johan did very well for it being his first time out in SWE393 (with wind). He sailed with borrowed sails, but showed impressive boat speed despite the sails not being of the latest design.

Temps around 27 degrees (80F) and clear blue skies. Swedish summer at it's best in other words. Sunday looks like the next time we will sail.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sailing tomorrow Thursday! Torsdagssegling imorgon!

We will meet at the marina around 16:00 tomorrow Thursday the 24 of July.

Johan, Mathias, Conny and Blogmaster are going to sail.
Hopefully we will get Lennart going after the vacation and with his house remodeling done. I have a pretty big remodeling of my garage/ workshop to deal with this summer. This is definitely cutting back on my sailing time. But tomorrow and Sunday it looks like sailing.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Summer video

Posting a video clip from Sunday afternoon.
An over strained arm prohibits Blogmaster from sailing at the moment.
Sunny and a nice breeze today, but sailing is going to have to wait until the arm has healed.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Johan finally got his SWE393 "Doris" in the water yesterday July 1st. The boat seams light and looks like a brand new boat. Johan looked very happy despite the lack of wind.

Sailing is planned for Friday July 4th, Independence day in USA.

Mathias and blogmaster took the opportunity (Mathias did most of the work) to cut the grass around our launch crane. We might have to do this one more time this summer, but for now it looks 100% better.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Johan and Conny took their boats to the marina last night. Johan is really close make the maiden voyage in his beautifully restored SWE393.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Finally Sailing!

Mathias and blogmaster finally got to sail on Sunday. Water level was up a little from last week, even if we did get some mud on our keels when launching our boats.
Wind picked up and stood pretty strong by the time we finished our practice.
Mathias and SWE319 showed much improved speed in breezier conditions due to 14kg added to his keel.

Vi behöver träffas i hamnen och klippa gräs, städa mm. Hör av er till blogmaster när ni kan tänka er ha tid.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Still not enough water

I went down to the marina today, just to realize there is still no way we can launch our boats until the water comes back. The low pressure moving in will hopefully help bring water levels up. Heavy winds today in excess of 10m/s or about 20 knots. It is still breezy at 11:00PM.

Sweden beat defending European Soccer Champions Greece today in the first game for both teams with 2-0. To help celebrate this I post a Swedish flag!

Friday, June 06, 2008

No water

Just add water is what they usually say in the commercials...
Right now we are experiencing 40cm or nearly 16 inches below normal water levels in the Baltic. Mathias and blogmaster installed the electric telfer on our crane today, but we have very small hopes that we will be able to launch our boats any time soon. Very sad news looking at absolutely perfect weather conditions. Clear blue sky and 28 deg C or 82 degrees F. Since we are not allowed to dig in the mud due to environmental reasons, our only option is to wait for the water to come back.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

SWE 393 is sailing on Sunday

Johan is almost finished with SWE 393 "Doris" and will be sailing on Sunday!
SWE 429 and SWE 319 are also planning to sail. Hopefully Conny with SWE 279 will also attend. Lennart SWE 177 is still working on his house and will not sail.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Oslo Opera house

Posting a picture of the beautiful new Opera house in Oslo. I agree with Arne, it would be really cool to race our 2.4mR just outside the Opera house with a big crowd.
SWE 429 is finally in the marina, and ready to go. Sailing is definately planned for the coming weekend.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

2.4mR möte på fredag eftermiddag

På fredag eftermiddag har vi möte med varvsförvaltaren angående hur och var vi ska få hålla till med våra 2.4mR båtar.
Tid preliminärt är någonstans runt kl 15:00.

Hör av er till blogmaster om ni kan ställa upp.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Peter V Andersson

Peter does the V for victory sign on Saturday night in Strängnäs. Very light conditions, not what Peter and his Stradivarie does best.

Johan is getting closer to getting his boat ready to sail.
Hopefully he is only 2 weeks away from test sailing his SWE383.

SWE429 will hopefully sail on Saturday or Sunday.
Blogmaster has been busy working on home improvement projects for the past week and a half.

Monday, May 05, 2008

SWE429 resting in Strängnäs

SWE429 at the dock on Saturday night.
She is a good boat, she just needs her skipper to steer her in the right direction...

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Report from the race in Strängnäs

We raced for two days in very light wind conditions.
Nice weather, but like said, very light winds.
The organizers did a fantastic job with the arrangement.
Posting a picture of Peter Norlin, the designer of the Norlin Mark III boat.

Blogmaster ended up 27 out of 38 boats. I had higher ambitions, but had at least a couple of races when it "felt" like in the old days. The 2.4mR is a very complicated boat to sail really fast and I just need to spend more time practicing.

Mathias Gustafsson, a buddy from Nyköping and now residing in Strängnäs, did very well and ended up in 15th place in a borrowed boat! Great job!

Monday, April 21, 2008


Johan is getting closer with his SWE393.

This picture is from yesterday afternoon.


Wash and polish tonight of SWE429 Satir.
Wax tomorrow night and then turned back on it´s keel on Wednesday.

Sailing might happen on Saturday if we can get to our launch crane.

Petrus will go ahead and buy the old Söderström boats from our fleet to start a new fleet in Tranås. He is planing to pick the boats up on Wednesday or Thursday.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Last night I went to pick up my 2.4mR SWE429 "Satir" from storage. It feels great to play with the boat after the winter break. I started with some updates and repairs today and will hopefully get it all done tomorrow.

Johan is getting closer to completion of his SWE393. Blogmaster plans a visit to see how he is doing tomorrow Sunday.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

We say welcome back to the Gothenburg fleet website!

Finally the Gothenburg fleet website is back on line. Still only partially, but online.

You can find their website at:

Welcome back to cyberspace!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Google search

Now you can do GOOGLE search directly from our website. Find interesting sailing news from around the world. We have also added Google sponsored links on our website.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Updates coming soon

I have been on vacation and not forgot about this site. Updates will be posted with some nice North Carolina beach pictures tomorrow Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Juan to design and build new 2.4mR!

April 1:st:

After Juan's involvement in the Ericsson Racing team, and the design job now nearing completion on the Ericsson 4 boat, Juan looks for a new bigger challenge.

Secure sources tells blogmaster that a syndicate has been formed involving Juan for a new 2.4mR design to be built here in Nyköping. I have no more news at this point, but wanted to share this ground breaking information with you.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Blogmaster e-mail address

If you want to get in contact with the Nyköping fleet of 2.4mR sailors you can e-mail blogmaster at:

Om du vill komma i kontakt med Nyköpings 2.4mR flottilj, så kan du e-maila till blogmaster på:

Lennart, Conny, Gunnar och undertecknad träffades vid NYSS på Brandholmen på lunchen idag lördag. Vi diskuterade en ny kranlösning som även ska klara av båtar av typen 606.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Är detta vår nya kran?

Diskussioner med 606 seglare i NYSS har lett till frågan om vi ska sätta upp en ny kran som klarar både 2.4mR båtar och 606?

Ett nytt fundament behöver gjutas så nära vattenbrynet som det är möjligt. Med 4 meters kranarm torde inte någon muddring behövas.

Ett möte planeras under lördagsförmiddagen (29/3). Så många som möjligt av flottiljens medlemmar bör komma och tycka till. Hör av er till blogmaster så fort som möjligt så att vi får bestämma tid till mötet.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Easter!

The Nyköping fleet wishes all our readers a Happy Easter!

Soon we will be sailing, even if we are currently experiencing a set back in the weather here in Sweden. It is colder now than what we have had all winter...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Posting another picture of my brothers new little boat "Juni".
I´m at the same time showing his son, my nephew Hjalmar how a Blog works.

Postar en ny bild på min brors nya lilla båt "Juni".
På samma gång visar jag hans son, min brorson Hjalle hur en Blog fungerar.